10-Day Money Mindset Makeover Course



The 10-Day Money Mindset Makeover™ is for the determined and heart-centered entrepreneur like you who has been in business awhile, done awesome work with clients you enjoy serving, and is seriously now ready to elevate your business revenue to new expanded levels. You may even be a new entrepreneur, who is ready to hit the ground running. It is part DIY, and part group program.

Yes, you know full well it’s not just “about the money” and that it’s truly about using your gifts to touch the world…but you also believe that money is energy and with more of both you will be able to do so much more good in the world.

What you mostly want is to face, uncover, and break through any internal mindset barriers so you can step even more confidently into the next level of wealth!

The 10-Day Money Mindset Makeover™ (10-Day MMM) is all about breaking through those barriers with clarity, focus, ease, and grace. The course provides the tools and support you need to bust through internal barriers to greater success, reboot & rewire your mindset with scientifically proven techniques, and bring your business to the next financial level and beyond!!

The 10-Day MMM™ is an experiential program that helps you actively expand your brain’s capacity to think more prosperously and hit your own new levels of wealth.

It’s the exact program I go through myself each year and have done so since 2008. Back then, I lost close to a million dollars in the real estate crash and I went into massive debt. The powerful strategy I created and implemented, (which is the foundation of the 10-Day MMM™), played a key role in helping me to achieve a full financial recovery (and some:) within three years.

This is a high-impact 10 days (option for 14 days) with both inner and outer activity. The course is designed to have you immediately step into those new levels of success, and in it you will:

• Watch a short video I created that shows you (or reminds you) how to do the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) “tapping” that is an integral part of the program.

• Respond to a daily post in our private FB group, which will ask you to act “as if” you achieved a new level of wealth that day… answering key questions that are designed to help you create new neural pathways in your brain that support new levels of wealth.

• Watch a FaceBook Live video where we will do EFT “tapping” to address and clear any blocks that arise in response to the new growth you are experiencing.

• Do a weekend of “soul work” (I hate homework:) as an option,  to augment and boost your mindset shifts, where you’ll be taking focused action to clear outdated items in your home, office, or home-office to prepare for increased wealth. (You’ll determine the level of action you take. Past participants have spent as little as 20 minutes to as much as a full day.)

Overall Results: You will deepen your relationship with money and learn how to align with its energy and flow…from the inside out. With a combination of “inner work” and “real life actions” with your current financial environment and beliefs, you will break through barriers to new wealth levels, increase your belief in what’s possible for you (true wealth all starts there), and become a deeply aligned steward of your money and new levels of  wealth, knowing overall abundance, and experiencing prosperity.

What graduates say…

“Thanks so much for holding the space for an amazing 10-day experience! I have at least two new clients AND a brand-new coaching level in the works. There’s a tremendous amount of “money magic” with your Money Mindset program! I love you combine so many different coaching techniques to take you from where you are to where you want to be. The 10-Day Money Mindset Makeover™ resulted in several-thousand-dollars-worth of extra income for me. I’m sold!”

Julie Hood, CourseCreatorsHQ.com


“I had the great fortune of taking Erica’s Money Mindset Makeover course. I got so much out of it and didn’t even realize I’d had blocks to having conversations about money. Those blocks were preventing me from new levels of success in my business. If you have the opportunity to take that course, I’d give you a whole-hearted ‘yes you should take that course!’ You can not only address the blocks and barriers that are in front of you, known or unknown, that are holding you back, and that you’ve put in your own way – but by listening to Erica’s sage wisdom and participating in the program the way she presents it, like I did, I can assure you that you will get through those blocks and move forward in your journey of greater wealth.”                                                                                                 

 ~ Doug Sandler, CEO TurnkeyPodcast.com


“Thank you so much for the opportunity to participate in this experience. It was so fun to feel, know and dream what is possible and to know that at higher levels of abundance I can give back to my community and the world in ways that do not just involve my time and efforts. It felt so good to be witnessed, heard and acknowledged and made it seem more tangible. The live tapping on the phone call came through as one of your many gifts. I think this is a fantastic opportunity for so many of us to breakthrough through to a healthy mindset with abundance and the balance of giving and receiving. I am so grateful.”                                                                                                                                      ~ Jen Mons, Wellness Intuitive and Spiritual Teacher, JenMons.com


Course Offered Twice per Year, Summer and  Winter* 

* Course spans 10 business days, (14 total days is optional), 20 minutes per day daily exercises, in a private Facebook group. Includes a 1:1 session.

– send email with “10-Day” in subject line & I’ll be in touch with details:

TapWithErica at gmail dot com




The Mindset Mastery Program

For Your Next Chapter

You’ve got a grand goal of starting a new chapter in your entrepreneurial life. You’ve had it for some time. You’ve either been holding  back or have tried everything to launch it, yet haven’t. There is a key component that has been missing…yet you haven’t realized it.

It’s not a fancy funnel, launch strategy, or high-end mastermind group. It’s not a higher-end coach, a bigger team, or a better website. Nope. It’s simply that your Mental Fitness muscles need strengthening, and they need this with the right, proven tools  in the right, supportive small-group environment.

“Mental Fitness?” you ask. Yes! The measure of your Mental Fitness is the best predictor of your personal well-being and how well you perform relative to your potential. It’s also the best predictor of whether you’ll take those Bold Steps forward.

The good news is you can boost your your Mental Fitness significantly with practice.

Mental Fitness is the X-Factor 

  • If you’re not physically fit, you’d feel physical stress as you climb a steep hill.
  • If you’re not mentally fit, you’d feel mental stress, such as anxiety, frustration, or unhappiness, as you handle work and relationship challenges.

80% of people score below the minimum level of mental fitness required for peak performance, well-being, happiness and healthy relationships.

The great news? With recent breakthroughs in neuroscience and technology, you can now improve your mental fitness significantly within 8 weeks of practice.

The results? Dramatically improved performance and productivity and a calm, clear and happier mind.

How We All Self Sabotage

A key to Mental Fitness is to weaken the internal Saboteurs who generate all your “negativity” in the way they respond to challenges. Your Saboteurs cause all your stress, anxiety, self-doubt, frustration, regret, shame, guilt, and unhappiness. Saboteurs include the Judge, Controller, Avoider, Victim, Stickler and 5 others.

Your “Sage” lives in an entirely different region of your brain and handles challenges in ways that produce positive emotions like curiosity, empathy, creativity, calm, and clear-headed laser-focused action. You perform better and feel happier when you activate your Sage.

Measuring Mental Fitness 

  • Mental fitness is a measure of the strength of your positive mental muscles (Sage) versus the negative (Saboteur).
  • Saboteurs react to challenges in ways that generate negative emotions such as stress, disappointment, self-doubt, regret, anger, shame, guilt, or worry.
  • Your Sage handles challenges through positive emotions like empathy, gratitude, curiosity, creativity, self-confidence, and calm, clear-headed, laser-focused action.
  • The relative strength of your positive Sage versus negative Saboteurs is called PQ (Positive Intelligence Quotient) and is he brainchild of my mentor, Shirzad Chamine. I am proud to be trained by him.

Breakthrough Research  

My 8-week group coaching program contains a PQ focus. PQ is a synthesis of recent breakthroughs in neuroscience, cognitive and positive psychology, and performance science. This research was summarized in my mentor Shirzad Chamine’s book, Positive Intelligence, a New York Times bestseller.

The research reveals that:

  • Saboteurs and Sage live in entirely different regions of the brain.
  • You can cause a dramatic shift in brain activation to weaken Saboteurs and boost Sage.
  • 3 core muscles constitute mental fitness.
  • You can and will strengthen your mental fitness within 8 weeks.

You deserve to step powerfully forward into that new next chapter. I would love to support you in doing so.

Next Group Course Starts Each Month – By Application or Invitation Only 

• Send email with “I’m interested” in subject line and I’ll be in touch with application and full course description: TapWithErica at gmail dot com


EricaRossCoach (dot) com, and VisionPointConsulting (dot) com and Erica Ross-Krieger and their advertisers/sponsors [VPCT collectively] can not and does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies.