Year End / Year Beginning

I) Step One: Honorable Closure for the Prior Year*

[ You’ll have 16 responses when you are done with this section. Each question answered for each of 4 categories.]

In Myself, My Relationships, My Work, and My Community:

  1. Where have/has _____ been strengthened this year?
  2. What has softened in _____this year?
  3. What has deepened (integrated or fallen into place) this year within _____?
  4. What has opened (what’s new, what have I learned, where am I being stretched) this year within the nature of _____?

II) Step Two: Honorable Beginning for the Year Ahead*

[ You’ll have 16 responses when you are done with this section. Each question answered for each of 4 categories.]

 In Myself, My Relationships, My Work, and My Community:

  1. What’s CALLING to be strengthened in the upcoming year?
  2. What’s CALLING to be softened in me this upcoming year?
  3. What’s CALLING to be deepened (integrated) this year within my relationships, my work, my community, or me this upcoming year?
  4. What’s CALLING to be opened (learned, started, acquired, stretched) within my nature this upcoming year with regard to me, my relationships my work and my community?

*This work is © Angeles Arrien and used with permission for educational purposes.