
Ep 176 Cheri Hill

Podcast Season 2 Episode 176: “Save Your Bacon…Incorporate and Get Rich” with Guest Cheri Hill, CEO of Sage International

            Show Notes – Season 2 Episode 176 Episode Notes In this episode, “Wealth-Protection Diva,” Cheri Hill, CEO of Sage International, returns to the Café for an interview with podcast host and master coach Erica Ross-Krieger. In this visit, Erica asks Cheri the top questions clients have about incorporating and […]

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Ep 174 Julie Mini Couirses

Podcast Season 2 Episode 174: “How Mini-Courses Create Quick Wins” with Guest Julie Hood, CEO of CCHQ

            Show Notes – Season 2 Episode 174 Episode Notes In this episode, Julie Hood, CEO of CourseCreatorsHQ, returns to the Café to share secrets for creating Mini-Courses that produce quick wins. In this inspiring interview, podcast host and Master Business Success Mindset Coach, Erica Ross-Krieger, asks Julie the questions […]

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Ep .173 Bigger Whitewater

Podcast Season 2 Episode 173: “River Lessons– Part 3: Preparing for Bigger Entrepreneurial Whitewater”

            Show Notes – Season 2 Episode 173 Episode Notes In this episode, Podcast Host, Master Business and Mental Fitness Mindset Coach, Erica Ross-Krieger, shares an antidote and river analogy she calls “Preparing for Bigger Entrepreneurial Whitewater” – the 3rd part of the “Lessons from the River Series.” This episode […]

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Ep 172 River 2

Podcast Season 2 Episode 172: “River Lessons– Part 2: How Indecision Can Be Lethal”

            Show Notes – Season 2 Episode 172 Episode Notes In this episode, Podcast Host, Master Business and Mental Fitness Mindset Coach, Erica Ross-Krieger, shares an antidote she calls “How Indecision Can Be Lethal” – the 2nd part of the “Lessons from the River Series.” This episode focuses on a […]

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Ep 171 River 1

Podcast Season 2 Episode 171: “Lessons From the River – Part 1”

            Show Notes – Season 2 Episode 171 Episode Notes In this episode, Podcast Host, Master Business and Mental Fitness Mindset Coach, Erica Ross-Krieger, shares a powerful analogy to help entrepreneurs navigate through turbulent and uncertain times. In her signature warm and wise way, Erica invites you to consider how […]

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Ep 170 Kim W. AI copy

Podcast Season 2 Episode 170: “How AI Might Be Hurting Your Business… and What You Can Do About It” with Guest Kimberly Weitkamp

            Show Notes – Season 2 Episode 170 Episode Notes In this episode, Podcast Host, Master Business and Mental Fitness Mindset Coach, Erica Ross-Krieger, interviews The Audience Converter CEO, Kimberly Weitkamp. In the interview, Kimberly shares: – the downside of using AI in your posts and marketing copy – ways […]

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The Entrepreneur's Cafe Podcast Episode 168 The Power of Podcasting with guest Doug Sandler

Podcast Season 2 Episode 168: “The Power of Podcasting with Guest Doug Sandler”

            Show Notes – Season 2 Episode 168 Episode Notes In this episode, Podcast Host, Master Business and Mental Fitness Mindset Coach, Erica Ross-Krieger, interviews Turnkey Podcast Production’s CEO, Doug Sandler. In the interview, Doug Sandler shares: – his own entrepreneurial journey – why podcasting can be a powerful tool […]

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