
7 Secrets for Manifesting Your Dreams

1. Build your Appreciation* muscles!
Take 5 separate pages in a notebook and begin a list on each, of what you appreciate about things in your: Body, Home, Partner/Spouse/Housemate, Business, and Financial Life. Jot one thing on each page a day, adding to each page. Simply appreciate what you have in each area. From the simple way the light comes through the window of your kitchen, to the way your partner’s eyes twinkle. This tells the Universe you are a good steward of what is in your life…which is the foundation for more.
*[For me, the word and practice of “Appreciation” seems to carry less baggage than the word and practice of “Gratitude”. I know that may be controversial, so if that stops you from taking this step or reading further, let it go and jump right in to doing your Gratitude Journal.]

2. Build your Intuition muscles!
Pay attention to inner whispers, outer signs, coincidences, dreams and synchronistic events. They are there. The more you notice them, the more it means the Universe is trying to get your attention and remind you that you have the gift of intuition. Learn to play with this fun Universal energy.

3. Claim your dreams!
Take a half hour break and go outside with a notebook and pen. Take a few deep breaths, and maybe a sip of iced tea, and write a list of what you want in all areas of your life! This might sound trivial, but it is truly one of the first three most powerful steps you can take in your manifesting journey. Put pen to paper and ask the Universe for what you want. Be specific. Also include a short statement of why you want it. There is truth to the world’s wisdom traditions’ statement, “Ask and it is given.”

4. Let go and focus back on step 1!
It’s an art to trust that the Universe is at work for you. Don’t quit appreciating what exists when you don’t see immediate results of new manifestation. Most people give up way too soon and revert back to complaining about what doesn’t exist. The art and science of manifesting is about learning to guide your energy, your emotions and your “vibration”. You do so by appreciating one bit at a time. Accept whatever (even small gifts and signals) the Universe is delivering into your current reality. You’ll want to be on the lookout, because the Universe is at work delivering to you the dreams you are calling forth vibrationally. It all happens in perfectly Divine timing.

5. “Play” with your dreams and en-joy the journey!
The most amazingly delicious part of the manifesting journey is remembering each day to “act as if” your dreams exist. Use a reminder (such as each time you take a shower) and commit to “pretending” a specific dream has manifested. Embody the feeling, the attitude, the “beingness” of having that dream. Sustain it for 68 seconds. And during the day, get extremely excited about every little thing or clue that shows you your dream is in the process of appearing in your life. Look for reasons to be joyful as much as possible because joy is truly the highest currency there is.

6. Share your bounty!
What we give gets multiplied. Share your joy, your wealth, and your belief in what’s possible with those who can use it. Notice the good fortune you feel when you pass along your bounty. Doing so now, helps create new neural pathways that will remind you of your current wealth.

7. Exercise your celebration muscles daily!
Look for reasons that prove that your manifestations are underway, and then celebrate. See the type of car you want on the road today? Receive an unexpected refund? Say “no” to the extra cupcake without forcing it? Your sweetheart brought flowers? Get a new client lead? Find a dime? Simply know in your heart that good things are on their way? Celebrate it all!! The Universe responds to your excitement vibe.

Speaking of excitement vibes, soon I’m going to be opening up an opportunity for you as a seasoned, successful entrepreneur to further increase your belief in what’s possible for you and your business…an opportunity that will result in you trusting your inner CFO even more, making wise & meaningful financial decisions, and clearing the clutter of any remaining inner financial blocks so you can take a “Quantum Wealth Leap” with clarity, focus, ease and grace in this unprecedented time on the planet.

I’ll be announcing it soon.

When I do, would you be interested in hearing the details?

If so, send an email to me at tapwitherica@gmail(DOT)com and I’ll be in touch.

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