Online Marketing

Ep 174 Julie Mini Couirses

Podcast Season 2 Episode 174: “How Mini-Courses Create Quick Wins” with Guest Julie Hood, CEO of CCHQ

            Show Notes – Season 2 Episode 174 Episode Notes In this episode, Julie Hood, CEO of CourseCreatorsHQ, returns to the Café to share secrets for creating Mini-Courses that produce quick wins. In this inspiring interview, podcast host and Master Business Success Mindset Coach, Erica Ross-Krieger, asks Julie the questions […]

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Podcast Ep97: “Secrets to Hiring Team Members” with Jennie Bellinger

            Show Notes – Episode 97 Episode Notes In this info-packed episode, Master Business Coach, mental fitness expert and podcast host Erica Ross-Krieger interviews Jennie Bellinger, Certified Professional Coach and host of the Badass Direct Sales Mastery Podcast. Jennie brings great info for entrepreneurs and secrets for hiring team members that […]

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Podcast E38: Julie Hood, CEO, CCHQ: “Essentials for Your Profitable Online Eco-System”

Subscribe             Show Notes – Episode 38 In this episode, Erica Ross-Krieger invited Julie Hood, CEO of Course Creators HQ (CCHQ) back to the Café for another cup of inspiration and online strategy secrets. As an expert course creation and online marketing guru, Julie’s signature “Online Eco-System” approach helps people […]

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Podcast E28: Kimberly Weitkamp: Breaking Through Top Email Myths for Audience Conversion

Subscribe             Show Notes – Episode 28 In this episode, Erica Ross-Krieger interviews copywriter and marketing strategist, Kimberly Weitkamp, CEO of The Audience Converter. Kimberly’s signature “Audience Conversion Method” helps coaches and consultants convert their audience from strangers to loyal fans. Erica talks with Kimberly about her some of her […]

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Ep 11 Jim K copy

Podcast E11: Jim Kaspari, CEO: “Confused About On-Line Marketing?”

Subscribe             Show Notes – Episode 11 In this episode, Erica Ross-Krieger interviews Jim Kaspari, CEO of Summit Business Marketing, leaders in on-line marketing, web design, SEO, and PEAK business coaching and mentorship. Jim’s also the author of “PEAK Profits, 47 Latest SEO Secrets to Get More Traffic from Google, PEAK […]

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