Doug NEW | Entrepreneur's Cafe - Guest

Podcast E8: Doug Sandler, CEO: Secrets to Podcast Success

Subscribe             Episode Notes In this episode, Erica Ross-Krieger interviews Doug Sandler, CEO of Turnkey Podcast. An industry leader and podcast monetization specialist, Doug shares:  His own podcasting journey. Why entrepreneurs should consider starting a podcast. The top 3 struggles podcasters face and tips for getting beyond them. Secrets for […]

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Podcast E7: Rick Carson, Author: Taming Your Gremlin®

Subscribe               Episode Notes In this episode, Erica Ross-Krieger interviews Rick Carson, psychologist and author of Taming Your Gremlin®: A Surprisingly Simple Method for Getting Out of Your Own Way, and founder of The Gremlin Taming Institute. Listen in as Rick shares: How to deal with overwhelm by managing […]

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7 Secrets for Manifesting Your Dreams

1. Build your Appreciation* muscles! Take 5 separate pages in a notebook and begin a list on each, of what you appreciate about things in your: Body, Home, Partner/Spouse/Housemate, Business, and Financial Life. Jot one thing on each page a day, adding to each page. Simply appreciate what you have in each area. From the […]

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Micro-movements: The Entrepreneur’s Key to “Wellth”

Balance. The illusion is that it’s a static state. Nothing could be further from reality. Try this: stand on one foot, lifting the other from the floor a few inches. Stand like this for 1 full minute. Simply notice what is happening in the ankle of the foot you are standing on. No doubt, you […]

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5 Surefire Ways to Block Your Own Success

When you’re interested in your own success, you dream a lot, wish a lot, hope a lot and focus on the roadblocks in your way. Thinking you’ll achieve success “someday”, you…

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